The best providers of IREB training courses to prepare for IREB certification

The comprehensive provider comparison 2024
To the comparison table

Are you planning to expand your requirements engineering skills and looking for the ideal training course? Choosing the right provider for your IREB training can be crucial to your learning success and professional development. In our comparison of providers in 2024, we present which training providers offer the best opportunities for your personal and professional development.

We not only take a close look at the course quality, but also consider feel-good factors, practical applicability of what has been learned, practical examples, assistance for certification and the sustainability of the training in terms of knowledge retention and application. This provides you with a well-founded decision-making aid. Discover with us how you can get the most out of your IREB certification through targeted selection.

Important findings:

  • Advantages and comparison of the different providers for IREB certification
  • Detailed look at the cost structure and transparency of the various certification programs
  • Qualitative evaluation of learning materials and course offerings
  • Analysis of success rates and real customer experiences
  • Feel-good factors that facilitate learning and understanding
  • Practical applicability of what has been learned in everyday life
  • Direct assistance and support for a successful exam
  • Sustainability of the training. If the knowledge sticks.
  • Valuable decision-making aids for course selection for your individual career planning

Introduction to the IREB training courses

IREB certification is a valuable proof of expertise in the field of requirements engineering. However, with so many providers to choose from, it can be challenging to find the best one. That's why we've created a comprehensive comparison of the leading providers of IREB training in 2024.

This comparison gives you a detailed insight into what the various providers have to offer. Find out how the different providers prepare you for IREB certification with IREB training, what they specialize in and what benefits each course brings. Our comparison will help you make the right decision, whether you are at the beginning of your career or looking to advance it.

In our comparison, we focus on IREB Foundation Level training courses. Find out which providers offer the best services and which offer suits you best.

The importance of Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering

As a Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering, you prove that you meet the strict standards of the IREB. This title signals competence and trustworthiness - two key characteristics that are highly valued in the complex landscape of system and software development. A sound education in this area enables you to influence project success and minimize quality deficiencies.

Professional benefits of IREB training

Participating in an IREB training course not only opens doors to new career opportunities, but also contributes significantly to your personal development. The knowledge you gain will increase your market value and often enable you to fill more demanding and better paid positions. Especially in a highly competitive job market, the skills you acquire can offer you decisive career advantages.

Basics of IREB training courses

The IREB training courses are a central pillar for specialists in the field of requirements engineering. They serve as an indicator of professional competence and international recognition. In order to succeed in this demanding field, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the core aspects of the training, including the certificate levels, examination formats and assessment criteria.

The different IREB certificate levels

The IREB training courses comprise several levels, starting with the Foundation Level, continuing with the Advanced Level and ending with the Expert Level. Each level builds on the previous one and deepens the candidates' qualifications in the field of requirements engineering.

Examination formats and assessment criteria

The examination formats vary depending on the certificate level and can range from multiple-choice questions to elaborate case studies. Essential for admission to the next level is the fulfillment of strict assessment criteria that ensure the necessary specialist knowledge and the candidates' ability to apply it. Not only factual knowledge is tested, but also the understanding and application of complex requirements engineering methods.

Criteria for selecting an IREB training provider

In order to be as well prepared as possible for the IREB certification, choosing an excellent IREB training provider is of great importance. It is important to choose the right partner for your career in requirements engineering from a wide range of training providers.
We are not comparing and looking at the obvious and easy-to-read details, which can all be found on the providers' websites, but instead consider various important soft and social factors in our comparison. We briefly present these here:

  • Innovative teaching methods: Evaluates whether the provider uses unique or advanced teaching methods, such as AI-powered exam preparation or interactive online community learning formats.
  • Access to specialist networks: Consider whether the provider offers access to professional networks or alumni groups that can be used for further career and learning opportunities after the course.
  • Sustainability and environmental awarenessExamines whether the provider integrates sustainability aspects into its course offerings, such as environmentally friendly catering options or digital course materials.
  • Feel-good factorsSocial issues are considered here. For example, whether a provider takes care of the physical well-being of the participants or whether sufficient breaks are taken to consolidate what has been learned.
  • Additional specialist areas: Refers to whether the course offers content from complementary subject areas such as artificial intelligence in the context of requirements engineering.
  • Interactive and dynamic content: Evaluates whether the course includes interactive elements such as group work or practical case studies that promote learning.
  • Customized adaptations: Takes into account whether the provider offers customized training for teams or companies.
  • Digital integrationRefers to the use of digital technologies and platforms for the course, such as online refresher courses or digital learning platforms.
  • Additional added value: Consider additional benefits offered by the provider, such as vouchers or access to exclusive resources.
  • Creative exam preparationEvaluates whether the provider uses creative or innovative approaches to exam preparation.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: Assesses how flexible the provider is in terms of course formats, examination dates and adaptations to the needs of participants.

The range of courses on offer for IREB training is diverse and ranges from flexible e-learning to intensive face-to-face seminars. We have taken a close look at the leading IREB providers and their course formats to give you a comprehensive picture of the current learning opportunities.

A comparison of the various training providers for IREB training courses - Foundation Level

  • See IT
  • iSQI
  • Software Quality Lab
  • Hood Group
  • Obviousworks
  • mITSM
  • Academy Technikum Wien
  • Xebia
  • Infometis
  • Zühlke
  • SAQ
  • tectrain

The providers in an extra comparison

Additional learning resources
PDF, AI-supported preparation
Integration of AI
Yes (Custom ChatGPT for exam preparation, ChatBot)
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Lunch (UberEats at Online)
Alumni network
AI tools
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
99.1% Success rate
Bonus for colleagues take-away
125 CHF
- Satisfaction guarantee,
- Extra chance / exam repetition
- participate 1x more free of charge
- 125 CHF voucher for you and your course buddies
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
E-book, certification guarantee
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
98.8% Success rate
Bonus for colleagues take-away
Satisfaction guarantee
Additional learning resources
PDF, printed
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Lunch, course materials
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away
Academy Technikum Wien
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away
Software Quality Lab
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Flexibility during examinations
Online examination possible
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away
Hood Group
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Flexibility during examinations
Remote testing possible
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away
See IT
Additional learning resources
Integration of AI
Practical orientation
Additional offers/services
Flexibility during examinations
Success rate/certification guarantee
Bonus for colleagues take-away

The providers in a standard comparison

Course format
Course duration
3 days
Target group
Exam format
2'490 CHF
incl. examination costs!
Additional offers
Alumni network, AI modules
Success rate
German, English
Additional resources
Custom ChatGPT
PDF materials
AI chat bot
Industry-related examples
Many exercises
Course format
Course duration
3 days
Target group
Exam format
1.190,- EUR
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
Training package
Software Quality Lab
Course format
Course duration
3 days
Target group
Exam format
€ 1.460,00 - € 1.760,00
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
Seminar documents
Academy Technikum Wien
Course format
Course duration
3 days
Target group
Exam format
€ 1.200,-
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
Course format
Course duration
3 days
Target group
Exam format
CHF 2'300
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
Course materials
Course format
Course duration
3 days
Target group
Exam format
2394,00 EUR
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
Course format
Course duration
3 days
Target group
Exam format
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
Hood Group
Course format
Course duration
3 days
Target group
Exam format
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
Course format
Course duration
3 days
Target group
Exam format
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
Course format
Course duration
Target group
Exam format
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
Course format
Course duration
Target group
Exam format
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
Course format
Course duration
Target group
Exam format
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources
See IT
Course format
Course duration
Target group
Exam format
Additional offers
Success rate
Additional resources

Obviousworks offers a comprehensive and innovative training experience for IREB certification. With a focus on hands-on learning and the integration of Artificial Intelligence into the curriculum, Obviousworks effectively prepares you for the demands of modern requirements engineering.

In addition to high-quality course materials in PDF format and AI-powered exam preparation, you'll benefit from an exclusive alumni network and access to advanced AI and RE tools. Exam scheduling flexibility and a satisfaction guarantee, including a free exam retake in the first year, underscore Obviousworks' commitment to your success.

With these benefits, Obviousworks offers a unique and supportive learning environment that prepares you for your career in requirements engineering.

IREB training in preparation for certification - The top providers in detail

We took a closer look at the top providers and analyzed their offerings in detail. Our investigation focused not only on the course content, but also on the specializations and unique selling propositions.

Adaptability of IREB training providers to industry trends

We look at how certification providers are updating their offerings to reflect developments and provide course content that keeps learners up to date.

Support from providers in preparing for the exam

The support services offered by various training and education providers can play a key role in this. This section highlights the forms of support you can expect during the preparation phase.

IREB certification process: registration, examination and receipt of certificate

In order to successfully master the path to IREB certification, it is important to prepare carefully for every step of the certification process - from the application to the exam preparation to the long-awaited receipt of the certificate.

Coverage of special requirements by the providers

IREB certification plays a central role for many companies that want to stay up to date in their field. It is often necessary for training courses to be tailored to specific needs.

Sustainability of certification: further training and certification renewal

Continuous professionalization through further training and regular certification renewal are decisive factors for a successful long-term career within the framework of IREB certification. We look at how providers proceed in the area of continuing education and what options exist for certification renewal.

Future prospects for IREB certification in 2024

Given the rapid pace of development in the IT industry, IREB certification remains relevant and is expected to continue to play a significant role in requirements engineering in the future. We analyze the future outlook and market forecasts to understand the value of this certification in a changing market.


Choosing an IREB training course is a crucial step in qualifying and positioning yourself in the field of requirements engineering. Our comparison of the leading providers provides you with a comprehensive decision-making tool that will enable you to take full advantage of this important training. Whether you want to improve your career opportunities, deepen your methodological knowledge or distinguish yourself to employers, IREB training serves as a benchmark for professional competence and ensures that your qualifications are recognized in a professional environment.

An analysis of various course offerings and learning formats shows that there is a range of educational paths that suit your individual career plan and personal learning style. Both the range of course content and the ability to flexibly organize your learning process via online courses or classroom training are decisive criteria that can influence your progress.

In summary, the quality of the programs offered, the adaptability of the providers to industry trends and, last but not least, the transparent cost structure are decisive factors that should influence your choice. Let these findings guide you in your decision for further training and choose the IREB training course that optimally supports your path in requirements engineering and contributes to sustainable professional success in the long term.